las vegas
Por fot, feace and love
Moving on
It was you who made us impossible
Yet you’re the very same person
That makes it seem all worthwhile.
Out in the shivering cold,
I’m looking through the window.
Envious of you
I gave up on me.
Honestly, I’ve been yearning
To share the moment of enjoying a cup of coffee
While leaning towards the warm beam of the morning sun.
Your ignorance had you acquitted from my imprisonment,
Nor liable for my losses.
Running through the fields of free at the age of four
I’ll be the parent who will never cross your mind.
For pot, peace and love.
Pls dun read halfway fall asleep
“A problem is defined as it is only when one has the intent to solve it” – Sunny’s Definition
Here’s my problem:
For years I am clear of where I want to go and how I want to go, I am also one who’s decision is affected by ‘signs’, and that is the factor that is causing my current dilemma. First let me point out some variables that you might want to consider if you want to disregard my sensitivity towards the environment mentioned above. One, Like many other graduates, we are entering the next phase of our lives, and that might have opened my subconscious mind towards the possible routes that I might want to pursue, especially those of social norms, including entering the workforce, or furthering my studies. Two, I’m not as mentally determined as I used to be.
(I feel that this will be one of those posts where I write write write, then I give myself an answer. Haha! Alright, don’t get put off, I would still want comments and at the end everything will be serve as a reminder, source of advice for myself and everybody.)
Anyhoo, yeah sources from all directions are hinting me to go against what I’ve planned. The worst part, I could easily shut my ears towards people trying to convince me to go against my convictions, but these are mostly from 3rd party comments, or friends sharing their thoughts, which generally I would listen with an open mind. Well, of course as with anything, there are pros and cons. Employee or employer? NTU or Social U? From a book, which ironically supposed to be motivational, mentioned that we should have a job that will help us reach our goal, as most business fail because of their owner’s lack of experience, lack of working capital and other uncontrollable factors. Naturally, some questions surfaced, posted to myself and to challenge. What skills do I need? What have I learnt so far? Where then can I learn? School? As an employee or employer? What are the advantages of each? Then when is then considered to have suffice skills to realize my dreams? Can’t then I learn while I’m the process of living my dream? Make sense?
Wanting to collect more opinions vis-à-vis my own, I’ve asked some of my friends from different backgrounds, poly grads, uni grads working in banks to super big shot millionaires I’ve met in my daily life on the same questions above. Well, much of an expected result, their opinion came from their goal and tolerance for risks for reaching that goal. Unsatisfied with their biased answers, I did my fair share of reflection based on my past experience and future actions and came up with my fair share of biased opinions.
Especially true for those who wanna be business starters, after years of education and with potentially more, we all have at a point of time questioned ourselves of our knowledge and their industrial relevance. BOCTAOE. Unlike finance, engineering or biotechnology, which require constant applications of fixed formulas, marketing like IT, is a subject that requires constant innovation and constant learning to gain competitive advantage. Admit it, how many models can we recall? The guy who drew 5 squares and made millions is simply making an observation, making a relation, putting them down on paper, and making a big hype over it. However for years, business owners have figured that out, without coming across the Porter’s Five Forces model. Even my mom who has a hair saloon understands the concept of threats, rivalry and bargaining powers. Furthermore, go through any marketing text, isn’t it very much self explanatory?
My friends who are in universities claimed that the advantages of studying in university includes opportunities for networking and develops critical thinking. My argument is that would a scholar from West Point be able to lead as well as a soldier that has been on the battlefield for a year? Would a 15 year old boy become the next Beckham by reading widely on how to improve his soccer skills? A good lover you will become if you have a collection of 1-50 ways to improve your love life? Of course, you can rebut by saying that we some just have the ingredient of natural talent, but I believe that proficiency comes from confidence and confidence is developed through experience. And the base necessary for one to develop any attributes above, courage. Then again, there are many many factors that I believe that will affect the success of your personal goal, but it hell takes a lot of courage, determination and commitment. 1 percent talent, 99 percent perspiration. Relating back to marketing, if want to network, rather to network in the industry right? Focused targeting! Go uni your best friend might still end up at some lan jiao jobs lo…
However, marketing isn’t the only function of a business. Without proper finance sensitivity, a business might disintegrate internally even though on the surface it’s doing well. That might be a course I will pursue if I were to further my studies.
Another friend of mine then list out the advantages of working and how it can benefit a future business owner, and I have to agree to him to some extend. Again, networking was mentioned when we get to meet clients, we get to know how business works, and we will have chances to engage in projects. Even so, my only concern is that I might get to comfortable as an employee and some other reasons that were mentioned in my previous posts. Working in a global company has taught me a lot even though my learning curve by now has decreased in its growth rate. Its comprehensive system and their focus on communicating their vision has made them a success across borders, and infused themselves in a global culture. Luckily, my personality has made it easier to meet people, the right people; which I’m glad I have. I have taken my first step.
Second step: Within 2.5years, to become a guru and educate myself in areas of marketing, finance and operations.
Third step: Start my first small business, take it slow. How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time that is. I know it will be a critical learning point.
Fourth step: Expected to be initiated after the fourth year from now. Diversify and from then on, I know I will be able to focus on my greater goal: my family. Expected completion date: 2014.
S pecific
M easurable
A ttainable
R ealistic
T ime specific
Hmm…do need to refine my goals isn’t it? Not specific, not measurable. Haha! Finally I find something I learnt from school useful. Well then, hope you guys can write me some comments on what you personally feel. There’s no right or wrong answers. It late and I freaking need to work tomorrow morning. Sianz. Tido time!
For pot, peace and love
The story about the girl selling match sticks
We all have shed a tear for her
The girls selling roses on St. Valentine’s Day
We ought have sprayed bullets at them
To my best friends! Happy Friendship Day!
It was great I started the 14th with my friends
It was a blessing I spent the day sleeping till 5pm
It’s almost bedtime soon
Let’s spend my Valentine’s in the 2nd dimension
For pot, peace and love
Mr. Lee....Mr. Teo..."bu yao ma~~~~~~" gimme 3days off can? genting only.. i help you go there scout the country ah..erm...topo exersise
For our nation strong and free
After being stripped off of all obligations and encumbers, the good raised above suppression and spoke up for their injustice, while the bad stood in silence like they were guiltily accepting the words rained downed on them. Please then, do not judge what’s happening on the surface and label the good as the bad.
Anyhoo, for those who care enough to read this, I’ll be enlisting into BMTC School 1 on 11th March, it’s most probably a mono intake right? Quite ironic as before this there was an intensive period of bitching on people whom kena the march intake, and how I would still enjoy the last few months of freedom, planning for a holiday and stuff and the impossibility of going back to school to take my results in No.4, and it all backfired. Bloody hell, I even went to MIW's webby and checked out my enlistment date days back and they say they will inform us 2 mths b4! It's already Feb dudes! Wakie wakie! Even so, I have always been looking forward to go into army, although it will be a relatively long period of commitment, especially when I recalled the days in JC. The cruel side of reality (getting my results in uniform) struck me much much later, and an automated response followed from my mouth. Exactly one more month; wish me luck; finally my turn to sit on the barber’s chair and take my virgin ang pow.
For pot, peace and love
过了一整天 陪你一整夜
闭上眼睛 才能够完整
抱着枕头 还有些温暖
就不能让你 睡得安稳
For pot, peace and love
What is the definition of ‘living the moment’? Right now at 1228hrs, I am in the school lab preparing for the last school presentation at 1300hrs. The smell of the lab, my friends still around me, the whole smell, sight, touch and sound of everything around me. Recording in my baby Tivo, replaying constantly down the road and the will be source of nostalgia when my kids goes to school. It’s always quite a feeling when you have to part from something you were once a part of. But even more, the people around you who have been with you all these while, especially for those who have your memories left with someone else. This will be my last 2.5 hours at Temasek Polytechnic. 1240hrs, immersing in my melancholic sorrow.
For pot, peace and love
Chapter 4
I still remembered when I asked my friends the same question this time last year, “so you’re about to enter the next phase of your life, how does it feel at all? Scared of the uncertainty?” Surprisingly, I received all the same reply that they don’t feel anything different, and it seems like they have all been taking things in stride one year into their working life.
I’m not sure whether that will be the same case for me. I’ve been waiting for this moment for years now. Those who know me well enough, the excitement is not derived from the relieve of the audacious education system, but rather I’m set free, out to do what I’m capable of, and what I’ve always been dreaming to do. And now it’s about time to put thoughts into action, implement plans, and start my first stage in the new reality strategy game. The tutorial lessons have ended; things wouldn’t be easy from now on. The excitement of planning my attacks, expanding my base, striving to survive in dire situations, learning new strategies from opponents and eventually getting better and better at the it will make the game very very addictive. Visualizing victory just makes everything so sweet.
But games are games, I still prefer a quiet night sipping on a hot cup of tea and reading a good book, having dinner together with my family, meet up with friends to chill, things that remind me who I really am, who I really need and what I really want.
The 3 years in poly have left me with some unforgettable memories – Bangkok trip, the sleepless nights doing projects, the evenings I’ve spent watching the sunset at the concourse, the carefree life, mid sem study sessions, and even more so, the people I’ve met. For the guys, hope we can become bunk mates for the next 2 years, and for girls, hope you can achieve what you’ve have set out to do, and best of luck in your future endeavors. Here’s a shout out to Joey, Derek, Sunny, Darryl, Sandy, Crystal, Sunny, Veron, Crystal, Zixiang, Yuping, Xiwen, Yenru, Shujuan, Sunny, Kyle, Janet, Jani, Ahmad, Farid, Daniel Jacobs, Limaran, Rena, Nur, Huat..the other 100 marketing students I’m too lazy to list out, whom many of them made everything so memorable. Special priority given to those who went to Bangkok! Really a bonding session. Some of you might forget me years down the road, but I’ll make sure you don’t. Special thanks goes to Yuping, Xiwen, Yenru and Serene who come together which I deemed my best group ever! Thanks for helping me through this tough sem though I wasn’t really with you, fate and Derek brought us together, and it’s not about to end. You people made it easier. Finally, unsaid appreciations goes to my hommies.
Another chapter of our lives have just started. Live it to the best. Exhilaration is the key.
For pot, peace and love
Follow me, I'll bring you to a brand new colony
Why does the world has to be so cruel to you
If humans aren't dillusioned with humanity
Why must You lose faith in us
Destroying everything good
If it's all in the good name of seperation
This time You've gone too far
If You still want a fair game
Fine, give me super human powers
For pot, peace and love
p.s. even though I hate You for what You've done, even though You've let Your intentions known, I believe there's still a lot of options to communicate the same msg rite?! WTF were You thinkin'?!
以不会再有第二个人 比我跟珍惜
你不是故意要走 可是
对不起 应该对我自己说
朋友 下次再见 改天再聊吧
走了 不要让我知道
sobxXx~ sobxXx~