Friday, September 09, 2005

Shattered Pieces

This specific period of time right now, seemed particularly fragile to me, somehow like it’s going into another phase of transition. Probably because my good friends are going into army and I’ve kind of contracted the fact that it will be my turn soon. As usual, every time you yearn for something, there will be always a part of you that fear the consequences of attaining it. Be it a relationship, cigarettes, an iPod, or even Burger King. Though as much as I want to constantly step out of my comfort zone, for me right now, and probably again next year, the worry of stepping out of it - again and again, it’s damn irritating! Every time you think about the past, nostalgia overwhelms. Take glee that you are living in, what will become of the past.

Just recently, a relative of my good friend left to a better place. I went to the wake and it was also the first time I’ve seen him in such discomposure. To my knowledge they were very close and no wonder he felt such loss. Anyways, I sincerely hope he’ll from this incident, grow up to be a greater man, a better person. My deepest sympathy to his family for their loss.

For pot, faith and love.


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