Thursday, September 01, 2005

Shitty People

Just last week while I was working, seems that things have been going bad to worse for everybody and definitely I can be the witness for that. Even one of my good mates claimed that it was the worst company he has ever worked for, after being in the work force for 13 years. Based on that claim you should have a rough idea of how bad it is. 2 things: firstly, it’s a great place to work no doubt, great customers, great retail environment, plenty of interaction between people going around. So that’s definitely not the problem. Backstabbing is kept to a minimal as well. Sadly, our managers totally suck. They can’t people manage, fine. They are being delegated minimal managerial duties regarding operations, but they still can’t do no sh*t. Elaboration isn’t necessary. Anyone reading this post now, 99% will be better managers than them, guaranteed.

I believe being a good manager just requires you to be a little more than a good friend to motivate people, and the dedication and commitment you put into everything you do. I hope you agree with me on that. You are doing it everyday, so it is quite ridiculous why some people are being hated. As I think about that point, suddenly it occurred to me that if you want to be a good manager, a good friend or son, it has to start from within; your character and stuff. It serves as a basis for everything. Even if you read tons of books on leadership, there has to be a basis from which it can be delivered appropriately. Start from everyday, the way you talk to people, your optimism, the sensitivity towards other people’s strength, all these I believe will help me a long way. Make the world a better place.

For pot, peace and love.


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